anntorrence: Using multiply to adjust exposure
anntorrence: Using screen to adjust exposure
anntorrence: blending example-screen
anntorrence: blending example-multiply
anntorrence: Vertical grey bands layer (blend)
anntorrence: Horizontal grey bands layer (base)
anntorrence: Screenshot: Demo file #1 2008-02-22
anntorrence: Screenshot of linear burn blending
anntorrence: Photoshop Blending mode: linear dodge 50% opacity
anntorrence: Photoshop Blending mode: linear dodge 50% fill opacity
anntorrence: Photoshop Blending mode: linear dodge 100% opacity
anntorrence: Photoshop Blending mode: color dodge 100% opacity
anntorrence: Photoshop Blending mode: color dodge 50% opacity
anntorrence: Photoshop Blending mode: color dodge 50% fill opacity
anntorrence: Photoshop Blending mode: linear burn 50% opacity
anntorrence: Photoshop Blending mode: linear burn 100% opacity
anntorrence: Photoshop Blending mode: color burn 100% opacity
anntorrence: Photoshop Blending mode: color burn 50% opacity
anntorrence: Photoshop Blending mode: color burn 50% fill opacity
anntorrence: Photoshop Blending mode: linear burn 50% fill opacity
anntorrence: Darken blending mode example
anntorrence: Lighten blending mode example
anntorrence: Lighten blending mode example