annsquires: Colour snow shadow
annsquires: Paulton Park Tree
annsquires: Holly in the snow
annsquires: Icicled Post Boxes
annsquires: Paulton Cemetery
annsquires: Andy clearing the way
annsquires: LAA!!!
annsquires: Snow Owl
annsquires: Seven and Eleven
annsquires: Andy knocks me out
annsquires: Andy is a poser
annsquires: Andy likes the snow
annsquires: Andy runs away
annsquires: Me in the snow
annsquires: Me in the snow
annsquires: Nijntje in de sneeuw
annsquires: Drempel is confused
annsquires: Drempel wonders WTF?!?!?
annsquires: View down the drive.
annsquires: View out the door
annsquires: Frost on the wall
annsquires: Frost on the gate
annsquires: Inflatable santa
annsquires: DIrty Van...
annsquires: Hilly View
annsquires: Spider web
annsquires: Spider web
annsquires: Paulton Memorial park
annsquires: Fat birdy!!!