annsofic: Pigeon
annsofic: Pigeon
annsofic: Rooster in the garden
annsofic: Rooster in the garden
annsofic: Cat in the sun
annsofic: Young bull
annsofic: Rundresa i Närke 2021
annsofic: Rundresa i Närke 2021
annsofic: Rundresa i Närke 2021
annsofic: Carrying on
annsofic: Sleeping duck
annsofic: Silly duck dance
annsofic: Sebastian, the bullterrier
annsofic: Hund & katt
annsofic: Bumblebee
annsofic: Summer street
annsofic: Hare days
annsofic: Hare days
annsofic: Pidgeon pose
annsofic: Gull on red bridge
annsofic: Earnest gull soprano (with a less than enthusiastic audience)
annsofic: Gulls
annsofic: Old Faithful
annsofic: Haga, Solna
annsofic: Keeping watch
annsofic: Sparrows
annsofic: Sparrows
annsofic: Sparrows
annsofic: Fledgling in tutu
annsofic: Hare, patiently waiting to be admitted