AN NOW: Tricolored Heron
AN NOW: Bobcat Mother
AN NOW: Bobcat Kit
AN NOW: Green Heron
AN NOW: Red-shouldered Hawk
AN NOW: Coot
AN NOW: Female Blue-winged Teal
AN NOW: Snipe feeding in muck
AN NOW: Downy Woodpecker at work
AN NOW: Palm Warbler
AN NOW: Wilson's Snipe
AN NOW: Wilson's Snipe preening
AN NOW: Pied-billed Grebe biting his nails
AN NOW: Little Blue Heron with Crayfish
AN NOW: female Red-bellied Woodpecker
AN NOW: Painted Bunting male
AN NOW: Common Gallinule
AN NOW: Grebe with grub
AN NOW: Purple Gallinule juvenile
AN NOW: Glossy Ibis
AN NOW: Painted Bunting juvenile male
AN NOW: Painted Bunting male
AN NOW: Little Blue Heron
AN NOW: Snowy Egret
AN NOW: Snowy Egret with catch of the day
AN NOW: Chuck-will's-widow
AN NOW: Red-shouldered Hawks
AN NOW: Red-shouldered Hawks male and female
AN NOW: Red-shoulder Hawk calling mate
AN NOW: Blue-winged Teal female