My Inner Child: Happy New Year!
My Inner Child: Beautiful light is born of darkness, so the faith that springs from conflict is often the strongest and the best.
My Inner Child: Ask not what tomorrow may bring, but count as blessing every day that fate allows you.
My Inner Child: Where man sees but withered leaves, God sees sweet flowers growing.
My Inner Child: Keep love in your heart.
My Inner Child: New Beginnings.
My Inner Child: Tranquility of a lovely sunset
My Inner Child: In the hour of adversity be not without hope For crystal rain falls from black clouds.
My Inner Child: “To the dull mind nature is leaden. To the illumined mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light.”
My Inner Child: Kiss the Rain.
My Inner Child: Everyday is Earth Day.
My Inner Child: Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.
My Inner Child: Enlightened.
My Inner Child: And there – a little bit of wind – and the leaf left the branch, went to the ground…joyfully...
My Inner Child: For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it
My Inner Child: The beauty does not live out there; the beauty's in my eyes.
My Inner Child: Life holds so many simple blessings, each day bringing its own individual wonder.
My Inner Child: When You Believe.
My Inner Child: Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
My Inner Child: It's not what you look at that matters... It's what you see.(2)
My Inner Child: It's not what you look at that matters... It's what you see.