ACK1974: Oare - low tide
ACK1974: Oare - low tide
ACK1974: Waves
ACK1974: Tracks
ACK1974: Washed up
ACK1974: Convergence
ACK1974: Broken
ACK1974: Oare marshes
ACK1974: Oare marshes
ACK1974: Oare Marshes
ACK1974: Oare marshes
ACK1974: In the distance
ACK1974: Shore line
ACK1974: Low tide
ACK1974: Pure
ACK1974: Blowing in the wind
ACK1974: Blue and brown
ACK1974: Oare marshes
ACK1974: Who knows....
ACK1974: No unauthorised shooting
ACK1974: Giants marching
ACK1974: St Peter, Oare
ACK1974: The end