annkelliott: A favourite place in Kananaskis
annkelliott: Tree Swallow / Tachycineta bicolor, in nesting box
annkelliott: The beauty of Kananaskis
annkelliott: Paintbrush / Castilleja
annkelliott: Bighorn Sheep / Ovis canadensis
annkelliott: Mountain wildflowers, Kananaskis, Alberta - unidentified
annkelliott: Vesper Sparrow / Pooecetes gramineus
annkelliott: Rural decay
annkelliott: A favourite mountain
annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk / Buteo swainsoni
annkelliott: Northern Checkerspot - just for the record
annkelliott: Bighorn Sheep / Ovis canadensis
annkelliott: Spectacular erosion in Kananaskis, Alberta