annkelliott: Two of a group of 5 wild horses, Kananaskis
annkelliott: Tree Swallow in nesting box
annkelliott: Either a Willow Flycatcher or Alder Flycatcher (seen in Kananaskis)
annkelliott: Paintbrush, Kananaskis
annkelliott: Forgetmenot Pond, Kananaskis
annkelliott: Sweet-flowered Androsace / Androsace chamaejasme
annkelliott: Dandelion
annkelliott: Forgetmenot Pond, Kananaskis
annkelliott: Old red barn
annkelliott: Video: Wild horses, Alberta
annkelliott: Not what you want to see in the forest
annkelliott: Mountain peak, seen from Cobble Flats road, Kananaskis
annkelliott: Wild horse
annkelliott: Western Meadowlark / Sturnella neglecta
annkelliott: Video: Wild Horses, Alberta
annkelliott: Forgetmenot Pond, Kananaskis
annkelliott: Wild horse
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe / Gallinago delicata
annkelliott: Wild horses
annkelliott: Mountain Bluebird / Sialia currucoides, male
annkelliott: A colourful nesting box
annkelliott: Brewer's Blackbird / Euphagus cyanocephalus
annkelliott: Wild horses
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe / Gallinago delicata
annkelliott: Wild horses
annkelliott: Video: Wild horses - oops, another repost