annkelliott: Mossleigh grain elevators, Alberta
annkelliott: Wild Lupine
annkelliott: Eastern Kingbird / Tyrannus tyrannus
annkelliott: Old barn dwarfed by the clouds
annkelliott: Loggerhead Shrike / Lanius ludovicianus - a nice surprise!
annkelliott: Eastern Kingbird / Tyrannus tyrannus
annkelliott: Vesper Sparrow / Pooecetes gramineus
annkelliott: A sky full of clouds
annkelliott: Barn with a less common cupola
annkelliott: Western Meadowlark / Sturnella neglecta
annkelliott: Abandoned old wagon
annkelliott: A favourite old barn
annkelliott: Impressive line of silos
annkelliott: Eastern Kingbird / Tyrannus tyrannus
annkelliott: Two of 3 grain elevators, Mossleigh, Alberta
annkelliott: Old Gladys Community Centre
annkelliott: Mossleigh trains - CP Rail
annkelliott: Savannah Sparrow
annkelliott: One of 3 grain elevators, Mossleigh
annkelliott: Yellow-headed Blackbird / Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, male
annkelliott: Old barn
annkelliott: Mossleigh grain elevators, Alberta, 2024