annkelliott: The old days (except for the wind turbine)
annkelliott: Showy Milkweed
annkelliott: Merlin
annkelliott: Western Meadowlark / Sturnella neglecta
annkelliott: Horned Lark / Eremophila alpestris, singing
annkelliott: Grasshopper looking at me through the windscreen
annkelliott: Prairie (?) Rose
annkelliott: Vesper Sparrow with a snack for the babies
annkelliott: Great Horned Owl
annkelliott: Took me by surprise! Deer in Canola field
annkelliott: Bison, domesticated
annkelliott: Canola
annkelliott: A sign of the past
annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk / Buteo swainsoni, and chick
annkelliott: Old house on old Demonstration Farm
annkelliott: Horned Lark / Eremophila alpestris
annkelliott: Great Horned Owlet / Bubo virginianus