annkelliott: Return of the Wilson's Snipes / Gallinago delicata - yay!
annkelliott: Clear fields, snow on mountain peaks - SX70 test photo
annkelliott: Cute little barn
annkelliott: Mountain Bluebird / Sialia currucoides, collecting nesting material, Canon SX70
annkelliott: Mountain Bluebird / Sialia currucoides, male
annkelliott: Red-winged Blackbird / Agelaius phoeniceus, male
annkelliott: Mallard pair and a female Bufflehead
annkelliott: A favourite old barn, Canon SX70
annkelliott: Mountain Bluebird / Sialia currucoides, at nesting time, female, Canon SX70
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe / Gallinago delicata, Canon SX70
annkelliott: Canada Goose / Branta canadensis", on the nest
annkelliott: Trumpeter Swan
annkelliott: European Starling / Sturnus vulgaris
annkelliott: Same white barn as yesterday's posting, Canon SX70
annkelliott: Mountain Bluebird / Sialia currucoides, Canon SX60
annkelliott: Same old barn, Canon SX70
annkelliott: Trumpeter Swans at a second pond
annkelliott: Red-winged Blackbird / Agelaius phoeniceus
annkelliott: European Starling / Sturnus vulgaris
annkelliott: Mountain Bluebird / Sialia currucoides, female
annkelliott: European Starling, Canon SX70
annkelliott: Ring-necked Duck
annkelliott: An Alberta farm
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe / Gallinago delicata, Canon SX60
annkelliott: Mountain Bluebird female on a windy day
annkelliott: Mountain Bluebird collecting to build a nest