annkelliott: Yesterday's smoky sun
annkelliott: Cactus
annkelliott: Worn dragonfly on part of a fence - Flame Skimmer??
annkelliott: Great Horned Owlet / Bubo virginianus
annkelliott: Early morning Swainson's Hawk
annkelliott: Blacksmith Shop, Gem of the West Museum, Coaldale AB
annkelliott: A lovely old homestead
annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk on a smoky day
annkelliott: Abandoned
annkelliott: Bald Eagle / Haliaeetus leucocephalus, rehabilitation
annkelliott: Old red truck - is this a 1961 -1967 Ford Econoline Pickup?
annkelliott: Old homestead on a smoky day
annkelliott: Bald Eagle / Haliaeetus leucocephalus, juvenile, rehabilitation
annkelliott: Smoky sun seen from my front door
annkelliott: Burrowing Owl owlet / Athene cunicularia, rehabilitation
annkelliott: Spider nest on Maximillan Sunflower leaf
annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk on a smoky day
annkelliott: American Kestrel, rehabilitation
annkelliott: Old homestead on a smoky day
annkelliott: Great Horned Owl, juvenile, rehabilitation
annkelliott: Showy Milkweed, wild
annkelliott: Blacksmith Shop, at the Gem of the West Museum, Coaldale AB
annkelliott: Red-tailed Hawk?, rehabilitation
annkelliott: A closer look at this old barn
annkelliott: Bald Eagle / Haliaeetus leucocephalus, rehabilitation
annkelliott: Mourning Dove
annkelliott: Canada Goose / Branta canadensis
annkelliott: Red-tailed Hawk?, rehabilitation
annkelliott: Tarnished Plant Bugs on wild Sunflower leaf
annkelliott: Northern Saw-whet Owl / Aegolius acadicus, rehabilitation