annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk / Buteo swainsoni, dark morph adult
annkelliott: Saskatoon Farm
annkelliott: Green insect
annkelliott: The joy of Canola
annkelliott: Kangaroo Apple flowers / Solanum aviculare
annkelliott: Fine old tractor, 1927?
annkelliott: Cherry tomatoes?
annkelliott: One of my favourite old barns
annkelliott: Yellow-headed Blackbird / Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
annkelliott: Love a Sunflower
annkelliott: Barn Swallow / Hirundo rustica
annkelliott: Peterboro cast iron rim lock?
annkelliott: Flowers at the Farm
annkelliott: A favourite old homestead
annkelliott: American White Pelicans / Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
annkelliott: Western White on Gumweed
annkelliott: Old homestead
annkelliott: Down at Frank Lake
annkelliott: Globe Thistle
annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk / Buteo swainsoni, dark morph
annkelliott: Glasswort / Salicornia bigelovii
annkelliott: Old truck at the Farm
annkelliott: Old barn on a hazy day
annkelliott: American White Pelicans / Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
annkelliott: Old barn - high key in post-processing to rescue a poor photo
annkelliott: Old truck full of Sunflowers
annkelliott: Figs growing at the Farm
annkelliott: A new garden display
annkelliott: Sunflower