annkelliott: A favourite old barn
annkelliott: Eastern Kingbird / Tyrannus tyrannus
annkelliott: Horned Lark / Eremophila alpestris
annkelliott: An unexpected Sharp-tailed Grouse / Tympanuchus phasianellus
annkelliott: Handsome Mule buck / Odocoileus hemionus
annkelliott: Video: Mule buck / Odocoileus hemionus
annkelliott: Yellow wildflowers
annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk / Buteo swainsoni
annkelliott: Old red barn
annkelliott: Yellow-headed Blackbird / Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, male
annkelliott: Old barn with beehives
annkelliott: Showy Milkweed / Asclepias Speciosa
annkelliott: Sharp-tailed Grouse / Tympanuchus phasianellus
annkelliott: Great Horned Owlet / Bubo virginianus
annkelliott: Whispy clouds
annkelliott: Western Meadowlark / Sturnella neglecta - unflattering feather fluff
annkelliott: Old barn
annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk giving a shake
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe / Gallinago delicata
annkelliott: Brown-headed Cowbird / Molothrus ater
annkelliott: An interesting idea
annkelliott: Mule Deer / Odocoileus hemionus, buck
annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk / Buteo swainsoni
annkelliott: Western Meadowlark / Sturnella neglecta
annkelliott: Horned Lark / Eremophila alpestris
annkelliott: Western Meadowlark / Sturnella neglecta
annkelliott: Old building standing next to yesterday's building
annkelliott: Eastern Kingbird / Tyrannus tyrannus
annkelliott: Red-tailed Hawk / Buteo jamaicensis
annkelliott: Three old barns