annkelliott: Who can resist a red barn?
annkelliott: Chop House & white, mobile living-quarters, with Stud Horse Barn in background, Bar U Ranch
annkelliott: Mountain Bluebird / Sialia currucoides, male
annkelliott: Video: Bobolink / Dolichonyx oryzivorus
annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk / Buteo swainsoni
annkelliott: Cute little barn
annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk / Buteo swainsoni
annkelliott: Video: Wilson's Snipe / Gallinago delicata
annkelliott: Western Kingbird / Tyrannus verticalis
annkelliott: Bobolink / Dolichonyx oryzivorus
annkelliott: Brown-headed Cowbird / Molothrus ater
annkelliott: A new find
annkelliott: Bar U Ranch
annkelliott: Common Grackle / Quiscalus quiscula
annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk / Buteo swainsoni
annkelliott: Savannah Sparrow / Passerculus sandwichensis
annkelliott: Western Kingbird / Tyrannus verticalis
annkelliott: ID? Is this an immature intermediate-morph Swainson's hawk?
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe / Gallinago delicata
annkelliott: Bobolink / Dolichonyx oryzivorus
annkelliott: Common Grackle / Quiscalus quiscula
annkelliott: Mountain Bluebird with food for his babies
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe / Gallinago delicata
annkelliott: Eastern Kingbird / Tyrannus tyrannus