annkelliott: Harlequin Duck / Histrionicus histrionicus
annkelliott: Harlequin Ducks / Histrionicus histrionicus, and a Coot (?)
annkelliott: Great Horned Owl
annkelliott: Bufflehead male / Bucephala albeola
annkelliott: Harlequin Duck / Histrionicus histrionicus
annkelliott: Harlequin Duck / Histrionicus histrionicus male
annkelliott: Harlequin Duck / Histrionicus histrionicus
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe - just for the record
annkelliott: Ring-necked Duck pair
annkelliott: Ring-necked Duck female
annkelliott: Bufflehead male / Bucephala albeola
annkelliott: Hairy Woodpecker / Leuconotopicus villosus male
annkelliott: Harlequin Duck / Histrionicus histrionicus male
annkelliott: Downy Woodpecker female
annkelliott: Canvasback / Aythya valisineria, just for the record
annkelliott: Hairy Woodpecker / Leuconotopicus villosus
annkelliott: Downy Woodpecker female