annkelliott: Surprise!
annkelliott: Old barn, new roof
annkelliott: Friends
annkelliott: Old steel wheel tractor
annkelliott: European Starling / Sturnus vulgaris
annkelliott: Blazingstar / Liatris (punctata?)
annkelliott: Black-necked Stilt juvenile / Himantopus mexicanus
annkelliott: Oops! European Starling / Sturnus vulgaris juvenile
annkelliott: From a different angle
annkelliott: Longhorn
annkelliott: All that remains of the LK Ranch, McKinnon Flats
annkelliott: Old truck
annkelliott: McKinnon Flats / LK Ranch plaque
annkelliott: Old tractor at McKinnon Flats
annkelliott: Bee Fly / Poecilanthrax arethusa
annkelliott: What is this plant?
annkelliott: Path to the barn ruins, McKinnon Flats
annkelliott: Lonely duckling
annkelliott: Remaining stone walls of the LK Ranch barn
annkelliott: Longhorn cattle
annkelliott: Old tractor
annkelliott: Longhorn
annkelliott: European Starling / Sturnus vulgaris