annkelliott: False Dandelion?
annkelliott: Rock Doves/Pigeons
annkelliott: White-tailed Jackrabbit / Lepus townsendii behind my house
annkelliott: Rock Dove on my roof
annkelliott: Butterfly - is this a Painted Lady / Vanessa cardui?
annkelliott: Mushroom
annkelliott: Greenish-flowered Wintergreen / Pyrola chlorantha
annkelliott: Tall Lungwort / Mertensia paniculata
annkelliott: Bishop's Cap / Mitella nuda
annkelliott: Wild Blue Columbine / Aquilegia brevistyla
annkelliott: Forgetmenot Pond, Kananaskis
annkelliott: Yellow Mountain Avens / Dryas drummondii
annkelliott: Forgetmenot Pond
annkelliott: Beardtongue / Penstemon
annkelliott: Forgetmenot Pond, Kananaskis
annkelliott: Carnivorous Butterwort / Pinguicula
annkelliott: Mouse-eared Chickweed / Cerastium
annkelliott: Free to roam in the mountains
annkelliott: Yellow Mountain Avens / Dryas drummondii seedheads
annkelliott: Yarrow
annkelliott: Three-flowered Avens
annkelliott: Kananaskis - Banded Peak in the distance
annkelliott: Smooth Blue Beardtongue / Penstemon nitidus
annkelliott: Wild Alberta Rose
annkelliott: Forgetmenot Pond, Kananaskis - Nihahi Ridge?
annkelliott: Mountain Bluebird male
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe video
annkelliott: Mountain Bluebird fledgling