annkelliott: A splash of welcome colour
annkelliott: Prairie sky
annkelliott: Eastern Kingbird / Tyrannus tyrannus
annkelliott: Western Kingbird / Tyrannus verticalis
annkelliott: Yellow-headed Blackbird male / Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
annkelliott: Faded red barn
annkelliott: Black Tern / Chlidonias niger
annkelliott: Northern Pintail / Anas acuta
annkelliott: Western Kingbird / Tyrannus verticalis
annkelliott: Yellow-headed Blackbird / Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
annkelliott: A favourite old barn
annkelliott: Northern Shoveler / Spatula clypeata
annkelliott: Clay-colored Sparrow / Spizella pallida
annkelliott: Northern Pintail / Anas acuta
annkelliott: Brown-headed Cowbird female / Molothrus ater
annkelliott: Barn and shed
annkelliott: Ruddy Duck male
annkelliott: Mourning Dove
annkelliott: Western Kingbird / Tyrannus verticalis
annkelliott: Eastern Kingbird
annkelliott: Northern / Spatula clypeata
annkelliott: American Avocet / Recurvirostra americana
annkelliott: Savannah Sparrow
annkelliott: Western Kingbird / Tyrannus verticalis
annkelliott: Brewer's Blackbird / Euphagus cyanocephalus
annkelliott: Northern Shoveler / Spatula clypeata
annkelliott: Western Kingbird / Tyrannus verticalis