annkelliott: Tree Swallow / Tachycineta bicolor, May Species Count 2020
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe
annkelliott: Townsend's Solitaire / Myadestes townsendi, May Species Count 2020
annkelliott: Dark phase Swainson's Hawk?
annkelliott: Tall Lungwort / Mertensia paniculata
annkelliott: Killdeer displaying
annkelliott: Townsend's Solitaire
annkelliott: American Goldfinch male
annkelliott: Killdeer displaying
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe / Gallinago delicata
annkelliott: Rose-breasted Grosbeak male
annkelliott: Savannah Sparrow
annkelliott: American Robin
annkelliott: Canada Goose pair with goslings
annkelliott: Red Squirrel
annkelliott: Tree Swallow
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe / Gallinago delicata
annkelliott: Killdeer / Charadrius vociferus
annkelliott: Western Meadowlark
annkelliott: Baltimore Oriole
annkelliott: Evening Grosbeak
annkelliott: Red-winged Blackbird nest
annkelliott: Hairy Woodpecker female
annkelliott: Clay-coloured Sparrow
annkelliott: Lesser Scaup pair
annkelliott: Canada Geese and goslings
annkelliott: Ring-necked Duck / Aythya collaris
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe
annkelliott: Killdeer / Charadrius vociferus
annkelliott: Townsend's Solitaire / Myadestes townsendi, May Species Count 2020