annkelliott: Black-necked Stilt / Himantopus mexicanus
annkelliott: Mourning Dove / Zenaida macroura
annkelliott: House Sparrow feeding babies in cavity
annkelliott: Northern Flicker babies in cavity
annkelliott: American Goldfinch male / Spinus tristis
annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk & chick on nest
annkelliott: Unidentified plant near edge of Eagle Lake
annkelliott: House Sparrow with insects for his babies
annkelliott: Unique bird house at Eagle Lake
annkelliott: Lesser Yellowlegs
annkelliott: After the gophers
annkelliott: Tree Swallow in the shade
annkelliott: Opening Gaillardia flower
annkelliott: Western Wood Pewee / Contopus sordidulus
annkelliott: Black-necked Stilt