annkelliott: Day 3, Whooping Crane colt feeding
annkelliott: Day 3, immature Whooping Crane eating a crab
annkelliott: Day 4, Laughing Gull preening
annkelliott: Day 4, At the beach, Mustang Island State Park, South Texas
annkelliott: Eastern Kingbird
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe
annkelliott: Mangalitsa pigs, female and piglets
annkelliott: Video of Mangalitsa piglets eating
annkelliott: Pika video
annkelliott: Bighorn Sheep licking salt off the road
annkelliott: Video: Eared Grebe adult carrying baby on its back
annkelliott: Video: Coot and baby
annkelliott: Video: Red-winged Blackbird vocalizing
annkelliott: Video: Wilson's Snipe on a windy day
annkelliott: Large herd of Elk
annkelliott: Black Bear feeding before winter arrives
annkelliott: A little taste of what's to come - brrrr!
annkelliott: The Panda cubs are leaving the Calgary Zoo : (
annkelliott: White-tailed Deer video
annkelliott: Northern Hawk Owl / Surnia ulula video
annkelliott: Day 11, Laughing Gulls, E side of Ocean Blvd, South Padre Island, South Texas, DSCN7192
annkelliott: Day 11, Laughing Gull, E side of Ocean Blvd, South Padre Island, South Texas, MVI_0843
annkelliott: Bald Eagle conversation - captive/rehab
annkelliott: Marbled Godwit video / Limosa fedoa
annkelliott: American Avocet pair video
annkelliott: Yellow-headed Blackbird collecting Cattail fluff
annkelliott: Red-necked Grebe / Podiceps grisegena video
annkelliott: Killdeer displaying
annkelliott: Mallard ducklings in a feeding frenzy
annkelliott: Brown-headed Cowbird, head-down display