annkelliott: I LOVE Canola
annkelliott: A favourite barn - with a visitor on the roof
annkelliott: Finally!
annkelliott: Mourning Dove
annkelliott: Thistle
annkelliott: Yellow Prairie Coneflower / Ratibida columnifera
annkelliott: "They can't see me"
annkelliott: Common Nighthawk
annkelliott: Common Nighthawk
annkelliott: A lucky find
annkelliott: Old demonstration farm
annkelliott: Western Meadowlark
annkelliott: Beautiful Mule Deer family
annkelliott: Marbled Godwit / Limosa fedoa
annkelliott: Common Nighthawk
annkelliott: Splash of colour
annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk / Buteo swainsoni
annkelliott: Western Meadowlark
annkelliott: No longer a home
annkelliott: Treasures in the yellow strip