annjoch: Edible snail on one's travels - April, 17th, 2006
annjoch: Rosenkäfer - May, 7th, 2006
annjoch: Swimming Pool for birds
annjoch: Sommer, Lavendel, Hummelgesumm - Summer, lavender, bumbling bumblebees
annjoch: Weberknecht - Harvestman / Daddy longlegs
annjoch: Fleckenfalter und Wiesen-Flockenblume - Spotted butterfly and Brownray Knapweed
annjoch: Das Komplott! - The conspiration!
annjoch: Alter Admiral - Old Red Admiral
annjoch: The Rimrocks I - Peaceful bull
annjoch: Back to Los Angeles XVIII - "Temple of Consumption"
annjoch: Ein ganz besonderer Besuch - A very special visit
annjoch: Calf Creek Canyon, Lower Falls Trail - What next?
annjoch: Calf Creek Canyon, Lower Falls Trail - What next?
annjoch: Bryce Canyon National Park - Streifenhörnchen, Chipmunk
annjoch: Evening Mood
annjoch: Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument - On the way to Coyote Gulch
annjoch: Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument - On the way to Coyote Gulch
annjoch: Valley of Fire State Park - Chuckwalla
annjoch: Valley of Fire State Park - Chuckwalla
annjoch: Valley of Fire State Park - On the Way, Desert iguana
annjoch: Mojave National Preserve - Fringe-toed lizard
annjoch: Mojave National Preserve - Fringe-toed lizard
annjoch: Back in Los Angeles - "Issy"
annjoch: Kreuzspinne - European garden spider
annjoch: Pfeifender Hahn -- Whistling Cook
annjoch: Sonnenbad - Sunbathing
annjoch: Erdkröte beim Laichgang - Common toad towards a breeding pond
annjoch: Haussperling - House Sparrow
annjoch: Balzende Taube - Dove performing a courtship display
annjoch: Kleine Schnecke - Little Snail