anninaislove: ooh a box!
anninaislove: lovely eyecandy goodies
anninaislove: pretty box and brand
anninaislove: arrival
anninaislove: arrival
anninaislove: here I am
anninaislove: I got clothes and boots!
anninaislove: looking out the window
anninaislove: what's out there?
anninaislove: Isobel
anninaislove: lovely hairdo by Katarina
anninaislove: so tiny
anninaislove: little spoiled girl
anninaislove: her armchair
anninaislove: reading
anninaislove: Hello!
anninaislove: Isobel
anninaislove: lovely doll house things
anninaislove: Isobel in the window
anninaislove: Isobel in the house!
anninaislove: Isobel in the kitchen
anninaislove: Isobel waving
anninaislove: I saw little red riding hood...
anninaislove: My history in the doll hobby
anninaislove: Doll family as of now
anninaislove: We found a box
anninaislove: Help us hooman
anninaislove: Isobel, Chuu, Rii and Oni