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bookemdano1978: It took these three dorks exactly 27 minutes to go through the dinosaur museum. Granted, we go often, but this time they even stopped and read some signs....I think it's a boy thing.
bookemdano1978: Two boys who are not too cool to have their picture taken with a giant wooden moose. Friday night at scheels.
bookemdano1978: One last trip to the zoo to see the dinosaurs. I think that makes 5 times for this kid.
bookemdano1978: He wants a tiger for a pet to love. Or he will take a dog? He isn't getting either.
bookemdano1978: Summer is over. Second summer is over too and its about freakin' time! This last three weeks has been rough. Send these monsters back to school!
bookemdano1978: Just the two of us at the zoo today which was a bit strange to say the least. But, with a September birthday, this kid has three more years of "mommy time". We had fun. We only looked st dinosaurs. We bought pizza and threw it away. Lesson learned?
bookemdano1978: Today's summer adventure... As you can see, Quinn is quite enamored by the giant "rhinoceros"
bookemdano1978: We went to the zoo to see the dinosaurs and they got excited about the perigrine (sp?) Falcon? So much that I had to take their picture. Go figure. And the littlest brother? He refused to look at anything that wasn't a dinosaur. Made for an interesti
bookemdano1978: We went to the moon...
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bookemdano1978: Making all wyatts wildest birds of prey dreams come true. #harrishawk #notaharpieeaglebutitwilldo
bookemdano1978: Members only cousin night at the zoo was a Success! It being cooled to the 70's with storm clouds and an amazing breeze didn't hurt either.
bookemdano1978: Had a most excellent morning sweating it out at the zoo this morning with some Arizona cousins. Thanks @azktal for inviting us!
bookemdano1978: At the museum on cheap out tuesday. I have a pass and didn't know there was a deal. It was so insane wyaty started crying because there werw too many people.
bookemdano1978: Note to self: my family may be perfectly cute and normal but the rest of the people at the zoo on a friday afternoon are not. Jocks, motorheads, sportos, dweebs.
bookemdano1978: But the giraffes did make us smile @hoglezoo
bookemdano1978: We love the elephants the most. #lategram
bookemdano1978: A good grandpa took these monsters to the zoo. Yeah!
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