bookemdano1978: Can't decide. Can't decide. Light or dark? I think I'm leaning dark?
bookemdano1978: Finger print art. One of our favorite projects.
bookemdano1978: Painters coming tomorrow. Last minute indecision. Gray or gray ready to go on the walls.
bookemdano1978: Weekly singing and dancing. Gma is back in town next week so I'm off the hook. Yes!
bookemdano1978: Not sure if having them paint the frames was the best idea but it did kill 40 minutes.
bookemdano1978: Why does a McDonald's have to be so conveniently located by Ikea? Thank heavens too.
bookemdano1978: His favorite thing to do. Look at the new oriental trading catalog.
bookemdano1978: Today? Diabetes is a big stupid pain in the butt hassle.
bookemdano1978: @guster tonight. So excited for the acoustic show tonight. Only band I'll still see live.
bookemdano1978: @blurb_books my books came a week early. Awesome.
bookemdano1978: Preschool homework. Sucks to mad two days of school.
bookemdano1978: Cake 2 fini. Chocolate/vanilla marble cake with milk chocolate buttercream.
bookemdano1978: Cake 1 done. Lemon cake with raspberry/lemon zest jam
bookemdano1978: When mom feels like crap it's a free tv day. All. Day. Long.
bookemdano1978: Arts and crafts. Kids feeling better. The mama is not.
bookemdano1978: I am so tired of this kid being sick. Going on day 5 and I'm starting to lose it.
bookemdano1978: At the doctors office. Sick kid. This is my most favorite map ever and no one here knows where it came from.
bookemdano1978: Sweet, sick baby boy! :(
bookemdano1978: Packed like little sardines in the truck. Going on a grand errand running Saturday adventure.
bookemdano1978: Yeah! Power tools. I also just bought a new fridge.
bookemdano1978: Too many errands equal tired puppies. Or they are praying?
bookemdano1978: Helmets are also important when staying up past your bedtime and playing with phineus and ferb
bookemdano1978: Watching a new to him movie for leap day. Glued to the tube. It's cute.
bookemdano1978: Bike helmets are also necessary when watching morning cartoons.
bookemdano1978: Bike helmets are always necessary when eating ice cream.
bookemdano1978: At the dental barn
bookemdano1978: Moms shouldn't have to play Legos. At least this mon. I'm bad at it.
bookemdano1978: Making buttons to cheer on the team tomorrow. #hhsbball
bookemdano1978: Some light reading before getting big brother from school.