bookemdano1978: Ran some errands with my handsome date tonight.
bookemdano1978: From my mom. Love them.
bookemdano1978: My view for the day. Thanks @twomoreseconds for the good read.
bookemdano1978: At my Grandpas house.
bookemdano1978: We all had ham and scones for brunch. My picky 2 year old ate 5 mini pepperoni pizzas.
bookemdano1978: Best thing I've eaten all year. Cranberry salsa! It has rocked my flavor world.
bookemdano1978: My baby brother is handsome! And almost 17. Egads!
bookemdano1978: I gave him a quilt that he loved. Should have given him an ukulele like my brother got.
bookemdano1978: Looks like Santa showed up for two good little boys.
bookemdano1978: My grandpa in my grandmas special chair. I love him.
bookemdano1978: People say we look alike.
bookemdano1978: My grandpas Christmas tree
bookemdano1978: These kids used to be little. Not any more.
bookemdano1978: Cross rib roast cooked for 21 hours. Heaven.
bookemdano1978: Clear sky day 4: not so clear. The inversion is back.
bookemdano1978: Christmas eve clutter. The island, not the husband.
bookemdano1978: Story time
bookemdano1978: Building a Lego city
bookemdano1978: Holy Legos, batman.
bookemdano1978: Last minute neighbor gifts.
bookemdano1978: Clear sky day 3. Might be a better present for Christmas than snow.
bookemdano1978: 25 degrees outside. Inside my car however it's a very different story. Seat warmer at 5 and 83.
bookemdano1978: Frosting mishap or my sister has learned to write in Arabic?
bookemdano1978: He's almost 5. Eek! Did his g-bread house almost completely on his own.
bookemdano1978: The chicks gingerbread house made w a talented partner and favorite cousin.
bookemdano1978: IMG_4522
bookemdano1978: IMG_4479
bookemdano1978: Today- a bit vat of vanilla bean cream cheese frosting. We're having a gingerbread house competition at 10 am sharp.
bookemdano1978: House of a good friend with Christmas lights synchronized to music. Awesome! My boys loved it.