bookemdano1978: the birthday haul
bookemdano1978: three great grandparents
bookemdano1978: Loves his uncle willie
bookemdano1978: presents
bookemdano1978: opening with mom
bookemdano1978: the birthday cupcake
bookemdano1978: birthday cupcake
bookemdano1978: the cupcake with dad
bookemdano1978: cupcake again
bookemdano1978: why is everyone singing to me?
bookemdano1978: the party
bookemdano1978: "breakfast at TIffany's"
bookemdano1978: fuji caramel apple cupcakes
bookemdano1978: cherry chocolate
bookemdano1978: happy birthday - homemade sign
bookemdano1978: Finger puppets
bookemdano1978: mom and the birthday boy
bookemdano1978: standing on his birthday present
bookemdano1978: lots of finger puppets
bookemdano1978: monkey for the monkey