anniehall--nc: pine needles with refractions--EXPLORED!!!
anniehall--nc: Coneflower coming...EXPLORE #283!!!!!
anniehall--nc: Happiness is heavy dew on my morning off.....
anniehall--nc: grapevine in a drop
anniehall--nc: Green Ice Refractions
anniehall--nc: Eggs behind bars....
anniehall--nc: busybusybusy
anniehall--nc: Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight'
anniehall--nc: delicate blue & white, like fine porcelain
anniehall--nc: private parts
anniehall--nc: First Frost--Dipped in sugar!
anniehall--nc: tuberous begonia female flower
anniehall--nc: Lonicera sempervirens 'Leo' with dew
anniehall--nc: dandelion galaxy
anniehall--nc: sparks fly
anniehall--nc: oops! dusty necklace....
anniehall--nc: winter tree ditto
anniehall--nc: winter tree Ortonized
anniehall--nc: Bee Balm