HallAnnie: Old wrecked shed
HallAnnie: Helen and Brian leading the way
HallAnnie: The SLOGs walkers
HallAnnie: Are we nearly at the pub yet?
HallAnnie: Lunch at The Donkey
HallAnnie: Nige, Chi, Liz & Tash
HallAnnie: A parting amongst the trees
HallAnnie: North Downs
HallAnnie: A spring walk
HallAnnie: Interesting tree bark
HallAnnie: Trees
HallAnnie: Muddy footpath
HallAnnie: SLOGs
HallAnnie: IMG_0868
HallAnnie: It does what it says on the sign!
HallAnnie: Spring daffs
HallAnnie: Dean and Rich's horsey pals
HallAnnie: North Downs Way