anng27: Trees!
anng27: Trees!
anng27: Front yard pond
anng27: Front from yard
anng27: The wall we'd watch movies on
anng27: Dining from kitchen
anng27: Everything is painted blue!
anng27: Stove, micro, fridge
anng27: Kitchen sink and counters
anng27: Bed and vanity
anng27: Closet
anng27: Bathtub
anng27: Bathroom
anng27: Into bedroom
anng27: Bird cage?
anng27: Breakfast bar/washer dryer
anng27: Back porch stuff
anng27: Enclosed back porch
anng27: Antenna
anng27: Missing siding on west of house
anng27: Manual mower
anng27: Planer
anng27: Wood stove in garage
anng27: Back of boat
anng27: Garage with canoe
anng27: Garage with wind surf board
anng27: Garage with snow mobile
anng27: Back of house from garage
anng27: Backyard towards garage
anng27: Backyard pond