Anne Canright (tsallam): 01_Deerlodge Park
Anne Canright (tsallam): 02_Deerlodge Park put-in
Anne Canright (tsallam): 04_Teepee Hole campground
Anne Canright (tsallam): 05_Teepee Hole campsite
Anne Canright (tsallam): 06_day two lunch
Anne Canright (tsallam): Morgan formation
Anne Canright (tsallam): 09_Weber sandstone
Anne Canright (tsallam): Camp 3 view_sm
Anne Canright (tsallam): 13_view onto Harding Hole campsite
Anne Canright (tsallam): View from Harding Hole Overlook
Anne Canright (tsallam): 10_my campsite Harding Hole
Anne Canright (tsallam): 12_Harding Hole cliff bottom
Anne Canright (tsallam): 15_cave with bighorn
Anne Canright (tsallam): 16_pictograph in cave
Anne Canright (tsallam): 17_view out cave
Anne Canright (tsallam): Silhouettes (14, 15, 16?)
Anne Canright (tsallam): holding up the roof
Anne Canright (tsallam): Another day, another lunch
Anne Canright (tsallam): Uh oh, class four: Warm Springs Rapids
Anne Canright (tsallam): My Warm Springs campsite (note elk antler)
Anne Canright (tsallam): Warm Springs camp
Anne Canright (tsallam): Amy O and Lori
Anne Canright (tsallam): Warm Springs washing and cooking and eating site
Anne Canright (tsallam): 24_Warm Springs campsite