librarianne827: Look what I made!
librarianne827: Cousins!
librarianne827: Post-its: an essential tool of ux design. @theLiB's preconference.
librarianne827: Oh, just holding my head up. NBD.
librarianne827: Look what I made!
librarianne827: 6:15 bedtime, after much squealing
librarianne827: Snuggly
librarianne827: After a day of only catnaps.
librarianne827: Road trip baby.
librarianne827: Loveliness at the Oak Park Farmers Market
librarianne827: Reading at the table just like her mama.
librarianne827: First time walking in the grass.
librarianne827: No longer grubby!
librarianne827: 4 teeth & standing unsupported (not pictured :) What happened??
librarianne827: Best Christmas breakfast ever. *Homer drool*
librarianne827: Lovely park time.
librarianne827: Standing on the couch, between daredevil moves.
librarianne827: I love you LPZ pygmy hippo.
librarianne827: These sure are gonna be purty.
librarianne827: The chickens were her favorite today, & she's wearing her chicken dress. Coincidence?
librarianne827: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is ridiculous but I can't bring myself to toss her. Anyone want her?
librarianne827: ...then she tossed the baby to the floor.
librarianne827: Purple flower explosion.
librarianne827: Yay ball!
librarianne827: April 2011, July-ish 2011, April 2012.
librarianne827: She found, and is obsessed with, my PowerPuff Girls.
librarianne827: Rodeo baby on a grasshopper.
librarianne827: Being joined by a munchkin for the last couple hours of sleep has its benefits.