Anne J Gibson: the bride
Anne J Gibson: “And you must know we do not really change over time; we are as flowers unfolding, we merely become more nearly ourselves.”
Anne J Gibson: A touch of Pygmalion
Anne J Gibson: “Yes, something about the fabric of life ripping for a moment so you glimpsed things you shouldn’t have seen.”
Anne J Gibson: “That was my nature - going from temptation after temptation, not to sin, but to be redeemed.”
Anne J Gibson: "It's time we were on our way. I'm hungry, and the city awaits."
Anne J Gibson: Wunderkinds at the Puppenspiel
Anne J Gibson: Watching over the dude with the horns.
Anne J Gibson: exceptional belly dancer
Anne J Gibson: portrait of a bride
Anne J Gibson: 1st Dance overseen by the Master of All Ceremonies
Anne J Gibson: "Forever" cake...
Anne J Gibson: little sorcereress