Anne Davis 773: Georgia Sky 2015
Anne Davis 773: chipping sparrow pose
Anne Davis 773: red-bellied woodpecker
Anne Davis 773: brown thrasher
Anne Davis 773: Georgia light through the trees
Anne Davis 773: bluejay on a branch
Anne Davis 773: female cardinal
Anne Davis 773: chipping sparrow on a log
Anne Davis 773: peanuts galore for this fellow
Anne Davis 773: Chipping Sparrows
Anne Davis 773: wings of a brown-headed nuthatch
Anne Davis 773: Beanie Bear
Anne Davis 773: overcast day in Georgia
Anne Davis 773: Carolina Wren
Anne Davis 773: And the chickadee said, " I think I am going to keep my distance from this fellow!"
Anne Davis 773: transparent wings
Anne Davis 773: bluejay on a limb
Anne Davis 773: left side
Anne Davis 773: chipmunk and peanut
Anne Davis 773: mockingbird1
Anne Davis 773: white-breasted nuthatch
Anne Davis 773: back view white-breasted nuthatch
Anne Davis 773: tufted tifmouse
Anne Davis 773: tangled beauty
Anne Davis 773: camillia
Anne Davis 773: CW-EdnaEarl
Anne Davis 773: dianthus bud
Anne Davis 773: dianthus
Anne Davis 773: female Great-tailed Grackle