Anne Davis 773: A face that grabs you!
Anne Davis 773: Red, white, & blue!
Anne Davis 773: scarlet tanager up close
Anne Davis 773: dragonfly flitting from bush to bush
Anne Davis 773: red-headed woodpecker
Anne Davis 773: brown thrasher in the grass
Anne Davis 773: dramatic clouds
Anne Davis 773: Piedmont Park
Anne Davis 773: brown thrasher
Anne Davis 773: J. H. House Elementary School
Anne Davis 773: killdeer
Anne Davis 773: wild "mocking bird" chase
Anne Davis 773: right before takeoff!
Anne Davis 773: flowers and butterflies
Anne Davis 773: hummingbird
Anne Davis 773: path in the woods
Anne Davis 773: bird among the leaves
Anne Davis 773: zebras
Anne Davis 773: unknown flowerplant
Anne Davis 773: Gambel's Quail
Anne Davis 773: sculpture in the garden
Anne Davis 773: Georgia Scene
Anne Davis 773: hummingbird on a branch
Anne Davis 773: beautiful blue jay