Anne*°: Sun & Spokes
Anne*°: Green lines
Anne*°: Slip slidin' away
Anne*°: In the wind
Anne*°: Natura magica ... Bolle d'aria intrappolate sotto la superficie ghiacciata del lago.
Anne*°: Let's be the light
Anne*°: Holiday lights
Anne*°: Present
Anne*°: Fragile
Anne*°: Ombelhiver
Anne*°: Placematstract
Anne*°: 20:18
Anne*°: There is always a light at the end of the tunnel
Anne*°: 🍁 🍄
Anne*°: Les villas Belle Epoque
Anne*°: On the sidewalk (2)
Anne*°: Géométrie fragile et poétique
Anne*°: Freedom dreams
Anne*°: La blonde et la brune
Anne*°: Small world
Anne*°: Intricate
Anne*°: Intricate
Anne*°: Intricate layers
Anne*°: Intricate
Anne*°: Concentric
Anne*°: Lignes et matières
Anne*°: Don't burst the balloon
Anne*°: Building multicolored relationships