True Colours: Orkanende - Winter storm Kyrill must give up
True Colours: Ostseeurlaub - seaside holidays at the Baltic sea
True Colours: Schmetterling - Butterfly
True Colours: Lantana and insect
True Colours: 06-06-06 Moor
True Colours: Eichhörnchen Squirrel
True Colours: Entchen - Ducklings
True Colours: Entchen - Ducklings
True Colours: Birch tree in full fall colours
True Colours: The season of mellow fruitfulness (2)
True Colours: The season of mellow fruitfulness...
True Colours: Spinne mit Opfer im Kokon - the spider's victim has been put into a cocoon
True Colours: Spinnennetz spider web
True Colours: Spinne am Mittag...
True Colours: Hungry family
True Colours: Sikahirsch - Stag
True Colours: Milchbar/Milkbar
True Colours: Sikahirschkuh und Kalb
True Colours: Bzzz bzzz buzzy busy bumble-bee
True Colours: Owl in a garden
True Colours: In the garden...
True Colours: Amiable ravens in a dreamy garden
True Colours: A dreamy garden
True Colours: Remnants of a clematis - verblühte Clematis