AnnDee72: HiJau Bumi TuHan {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: Way To NoWhere.. See You.. {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: cOme.. huG me.. :) {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: FaSten yOur SeaT beLt.. {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: MonDay BLueS :) {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: sHy SuNsEt {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: FenCe of LoVe {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: TeaRs in HeaVen {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: CrOwd! wHich One iS mE? {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: wHeeL Of LiFe {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: MemOry : FLasHing On My MinD {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: dOwn tO eaRth {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: tOgeTher iS BetteR {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: QueStiOn maRk {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: PrOteCteD!! {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: MOnDay KiSS {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: MiSs yOu LiKe cRaZy! {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: He SaiD He MisSeD Me ToO.. aHakS!! {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: OnCe a bLue, aLwaYs a bLue.. {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: GeTTinG CLoSeR {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: BeAuTy In ThE DaRk!! {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: TiReD Of ConFuSinG! {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: FeeLiNg SeXy.. {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: IGnOreD.. HBW!! {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: BoKeh It.. {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: GiVe Me BaCk My FanTasy! {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: ♫ TiMe aFteR TiMe ♫ {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: DrOp In.. {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: OpEn.. {εxþ£o®ε}
AnnDee72: FoRgiVeNeSS.. {εxþ£o®ε}