Paint and Shoot: Bloedel Donovan Park
Paint and Shoot: Bloedel Donovan Park
Paint and Shoot: Bloedel Donovan Park
Paint and Shoot: Reflection
Paint and Shoot: Whatcom Falls
Paint and Shoot: Whatcom Falls Park
Paint and Shoot: Whatcom Falls Park
Paint and Shoot: Derby Pond
Paint and Shoot: Solitary Fishing
Paint and Shoot: Derby Pond
Paint and Shoot: Stairs at Woodstock
Paint and Shoot: The woods at Woodstock
Paint and Shoot: Our backyard in Spring
Paint and Shoot: Winter Falls
Paint and Shoot: AMChaikin_070114_6518_Web
Paint and Shoot: AMChaikin_061126_5189_Web
Paint and Shoot: AMC_0811141608_DP1052
Paint and Shoot: AMC_0811141817_G11000245
Paint and Shoot: AMC_0811141816_G11000240
Paint and Shoot: AMC_0811141827_G11000266
Paint and Shoot: AMC_081119_G10515
Paint and Shoot: AMC_081115_DP1063
Paint and Shoot: AMC_081115_DP1068
Paint and Shoot: AMC_081115_DP1070
Paint and Shoot: AMC_081115_DP1059
Paint and Shoot: Whatcom.Falls
Paint and Shoot: AMC_090110_5D2150
Paint and Shoot: AMC_090110_5D2144
Paint and Shoot: AMC_090110_5D2128
Paint and Shoot: AMC_090110_5D2127