ANNACARNOcHAN: Lizzyboo Crafty
ANNACARNOcHAN: Lizzyboo Crafty and her bearded brother in law, LBC
ANNACARNOcHAN: Lizzyboo Crafty and her short, in-laws old daughter, LBC
ANNACARNOcHAN: Lizzyboo Crafty and her successful peanut farmer friend's boyhood chum from New Castle Ky,'s doggoned wife, LBC
ANNACARNOcHAN: Lizzyboo Crafty and her photography professor, Lizzyboo Crafty
ANNACARNOcHAN: Lizzyboo Crafty and her successful peanut farmer's friend's accomplished wife, Lizzyboo Crafty
ANNACARNOcHAN: Lizzyboo Crafty and her good, good Mertonian friend, Lizzyboo Crafty
ANNACARNOcHAN: Lizzyboo Crafty and her charmingly youthful mother in law Lizzyboo Crafty