ANNA:poet: oskar dude
ANNA:poet: my daddy
ANNA:poet: oli sam mummy
ANNA:poet: home in tribeca
ANNA:poet: my desk today
ANNA:poet: my fridge
ANNA:poet: bacon
ANNA:poet: my oliver
ANNA:poet: tag awards 2004
ANNA:poet: the view today
ANNA:poet: missing lisa and theo
ANNA:poet: my 5th birthday
ANNA:poet: on the bed in nyc
ANNA:poet: inside my bag
ANNA:poet: sweet molly in tribeca
ANNA:poet: knitted teddy bear
ANNA:poet: my favourite man at otto
ANNA:poet: mummy and daddy
ANNA:poet: my 4th birthday
ANNA:poet: our family
ANNA:poet: sandy and carolyn
ANNA:poet: anneliese
ANNA:poet: mummy and my grand father
ANNA:poet: maine
ANNA:poet: self portrait 1984
ANNA:poet: my office
ANNA:poet: mum and dad circa 1971