Anna Hwatz Photography: Three of a kind
Anna Hwatz Photography: In reality, killing time is only the name for another of the multifarious ways by which Time kills us.
Anna Hwatz Photography: Samurai Sword
Anna Hwatz Photography: L is for Lock of hair
Anna Hwatz Photography: Losing my religion.
Anna Hwatz Photography: Sometimes questions are more important than answers.
Anna Hwatz Photography: Contemplating
Anna Hwatz Photography: Bird on a wire
Anna Hwatz Photography: All of life is a journey...
Anna Hwatz Photography: The magic hour
Anna Hwatz Photography: On top of wave rock
Anna Hwatz Photography: Child Abuse casts a shadow the length of a lifetime.
Anna Hwatz Photography: Sometimes being little is so hard
Anna Hwatz Photography: Waiting for the school bus.
Anna Hwatz Photography: All the water that will ever be is right now.
Anna Hwatz Photography: Be happy for what you've got.
Anna Hwatz Photography: Incy Wincy Spider