Anna Goist: Kristin & Lara's wedding
Anna Goist: Leaving New York, Oct 2008
Anna Goist: Ozzie
Anna Goist: Ozzie at Juno Drive
Anna Goist: Juno Drive, Asheville, NC
Anna Goist: Texas-Caviar (chunky bean salsa) omelette
Anna Goist: Lyra & Sara
Anna Goist: Boa constrictor at the National Zoo, D.C.
Anna Goist: Lion cubs at the National Zoo, D.C.
Anna Goist: Lemur Love
Anna Goist: Ronnie
Anna Goist: Bella
Anna Goist: IMG_9943
Anna Goist: IMG_9926
Anna Goist: IMG_9923
Anna Goist: IMG_9946
Anna Goist: Mario
Anna Goist: Moving Day, nowhere left to hide
Anna Goist: South Mountain State Park
Anna Goist: Falls at South Mountain
Anna Goist: Library of Congress
Anna Goist: Roseate Spoonbill, DC Zoo
Anna Goist: Anemone
Anna Goist: Centipede
Anna Goist: Crab, Carrot Island, NC
Anna Goist: Wild Horses, Carrot Island, NC
Anna Goist: Bre, pre-wedding
Anna Goist: Thunder-Stealer