annadunford: off down the beach
annadunford: William, Char-Lien & Jonathan
annadunford: heads down into the wind
annadunford: Jonathan & Char-Lien
annadunford: Whangatauatia from the oppostite side to usual!
annadunford: not all there
annadunford: braving the surf
annadunford: the runners
annadunford: making tracks
annadunford: Easter w/e
annadunford: the first batch of many...
annadunford: here Aunty!
annadunford: passing the time
annadunford: munchies
annadunford: getting closer
annadunford: watching the watchers
annadunford: hitching a ride
annadunford: heading across the paddocks
annadunford: you had to be there...
annadunford: helping hands
annadunford: companions
annadunford: let's do the twist
annadunford: hey you over there!
annadunford: watching
annadunford: dandelion clocks
annadunford: hmmm, what can I use this for?
annadunford: late bloomers
annadunford: beached
annadunford: guess what we found!