annadunford: looking back to Ahipara
annadunford: homeward bound
annadunford: spot the ball...
annadunford: sand patterns
annadunford: tired out
annadunford: sand, sea and sky
annadunford: heading for adventure
annadunford: Sam deciding whether to jump
annadunford: from the rocks
annadunford: big kids =)
annadunford: colours
annadunford: tree shadows
annadunford: end of the point
annadunford: not where we'd intened to be!
annadunford: fish rock
annadunford: Matai Bay
annadunford: Opua pier
annadunford: end of the pier, Opua
annadunford: coming into port
annadunford: whetting our appetite for the next days sail
annadunford: light on sail
annadunford: the R Tucker Thompson at Russell
annadunford: The R Tucker Thompson before we set sail
annadunford: an obliging Red Beaked gull
annadunford: Russell pier
annadunford: belay that...
annadunford: wonder if that was She's A Lady?
annadunford: rigging
annadunford: off the starboard side