annadunford: go figure...
annadunford: Quaker week on the tube
annadunford: Woodbrooke
annadunford: labarynth in the lawn
annadunford: in an English country garden...
annadunford: Holland House
annadunford: autumn colours
annadunford: DSC03245
annadunford: pan tiles
annadunford: stately if not a home
annadunford: by the lake
annadunford: chinese garden
annadunford: cross hatching
annadunford: DSC03254
annadunford: across the lake
annadunford: the 'new' wing
annadunford: the classic view
annadunford: t'other way up
annadunford: t'other way round!
annadunford: lake reflections
annadunford: contamplative spot
annadunford: somewhere to sit
annadunford: golden brown
annadunford: beech at its best
annadunford: magpies on the bench
annadunford: Dragon Hill, Uffington
annadunford: The Vale of the White Horse