*annabel*: Lincoln memorial
*annabel*: Scott had some fun with his camera...
*annabel*: while Mad and I chatted
*annabel*: how do we get from here to there
*annabel*: a home
*annabel*: frozen faces
*annabel*: a two hour wait that we cleverly made into a 10 minute wait!
*annabel*: group shot
*annabel*: after lunch at the West Gallery
*annabel*: enjoying the National Gallery of Art
*annabel*: lovely light
*annabel*: catching snow
*annabel*: National Archives Building
*annabel*: the sun is out!
*annabel*: Smithsonian Castle
*annabel*: Air and Space
*annabel*: National Museum of the American Indian
*annabel*: I was asked several times to be a tripod
*annabel*: we came, we saw, we photographed in front of
*annabel*: Dedicated to getting the shot
*annabel*: view from the Capital
*annabel*: Mad arrived
*annabel*: National Building Museum
*annabel*: interior