Ann279: ice
Ann279: Today, Just Before Dusk
Ann279: Winter Sky
Ann279: dec15
Ann279: oct10
Ann279: sept25
Ann279: Skiing by the River
Ann279: Before the "BIG" Snow
Ann279: Water Light
Ann279: Bridge to....
Ann279: Sun and Water Love One Another
Ann279: Huron Meadows
Ann279: Late Afternoon, Kensington
Ann279: Kensington Metro Park
Ann279: Shore Line
Ann279: Water Layers
Ann279: The Boardwalk Goes Forever...or so it seems
Ann279: Bridge to the Island in the Middle of Nowhere
Ann279: The Monet Bridge...and a few ducks
Ann279: Olson Park
Ann279: Paddle Through the Clouds
Ann279: Stairway to .....
Ann279: Delhi Rapids
Ann279: A Sunny Day at North Bay Park
Ann279: Morning on the Erie Canal
Ann279: Brandywine Falls at Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Ann279: Morning Stroll
Ann279: Dexter Huron Metro Park
Ann279: Fall and Late Afternoon Sun on the Huron River
Ann279: Evening at Barton